McAllen Daily Press from McAllen, Texas (2024)

a TE MONDAY, JUVE 27, 1938 Electricity Picked UpBy Pipe Lines From Ground Worrying Head Of Oil Company BAD EROSION? Men Detect Current By Meters MICE LOSS SUSTAINED Lines That Criss Cross Are Biggest Worry AUSTIN. June with tansy for chasing up pipe lines is one of the worries of the oil pipe line according to W. C. Kinof the Sun Oil Company. electricity plays hob with lines was explained by him Texas state tax as one of the reasons why pipe lines out rapidly.

explained that the pipe lines up' electricity, usually from and the current runs line ever which way. line crosses another or some other conductor, the current running in it and at the point the escape is tried, corroSERES WAY QUE line maintenance men currents by meters with which walk up and down the meter indicates a drop of the flow of the curknow the current out of the line. is sharp enough, it indibreak in the line and when up the pipe, bad corroinvariably is found. corroded spot must be eithreplaced. and it amounts to several hunit is possible to detect the main trunk lines, with the corrosion in a system within field is impossibility, he pointed Within field, lines crissextent that keepcrossings is im- MAN STRESSES HIS STATE CAMPAIGN KENEDY, June -(Spl) -GerMann, candidate for attorin an address here night invited a compariof his record as a law ver with of his opponents.

matter of great pride I have been successlawyer to win for endorsem*nt of members of my as Judge R. E. L. Saner, president of the American of Judge Harry P. former head of the Texion and of the presbar association of my Dallas, J.

Woodall Mann said. How Warn Is McAllen 8 Abilene 8 Albuquerque, N. M. 8 Amarillo 8 Atlanta, Ga. Austin Boise, Idaho Boston, Mass, 88 Brownsville 88 Chicago, Ill.

Calgary, Canada Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Chic Corpus Christi Dallas Del Rio Denver, Colo, Dodge City, Kan. El Paso Fort Smith. Ark. Helena, Mont. Houston Huron, S.

Dak. Jacksonville, Fla. Kansas City, Mo. Los Angeles, Calif. Memphis, Tenn.

Miami, Fla. Mpis- St. P. Minn. Modena, Utah New Orleans, La North Platte.

Nebr. Oklahoma Okla. Palestine Pensacola, Phoenix, Ariz. Port Arthur Portland, Ore. Roswell, N.

M. St. Louis, Mo. Salt Lake City, Utah San Antonio San Francisco, Calif Sheridan. Wyo.

Shreveport, La. Tampa, Fla: Vicksburg, Miss. Washington, D. C. Williston.

N. Dak. Wilmington. N. Winnemucca, Nev, Winnepeg, Canada INCREASE FORESTS IN PORTLAND.

OREGON PORTLAND. June 24. -National forests of Oregon and Washington will be increased by more than two and a half million trees this year as the result of a gigantic spring planting program, according to associate regional foresters F. H. Brundage.

Brundage said the trees would be spread over 4.000 acres in ten national forests throughout the two and would include species of both pine and fir. The program will constitute the largest spring tree planting in the histories of national forests in both states. PRACTICALS fane pine Louis ton Pall entral In cooL MISSOURI PACIFIC SOUTHERN PACIFIC FOR SALE CHEAP Used Refrigerators P. General Electric 15 FL. Kelvinator 1-10 Ft.

Store Counter FRANK'S PACKAGE STORE McALLEN Unaware of Tragedy Brown mother dead, father held Baby James Brown, 13 months, is unaware of the tragedy that has befallen him as he plays with a baseball at his Cambridge, Md. home. The boy's 19-year-old mother, who was expecting another child, was found murdered in the Nantico*ke river near Salisbury. Md. The boy's father, Fred Brown, 45 was arrested.

-Central Press ACT SCANNED Amendments To Citrus Act Discussed At Hearing AAA HEADS PRESIDE Data Will Be Forwarded To Wallace For Approval WESLACO, June 27. (Spl) Hearing on proposed amendments to the citrus fruit marketing agreement got underway before Agricultural Adjustment: Administration officials at the Stephen F. Austin school here today. A large number of growers and shippers gathered in the auditorium of the school this morning and voiced their sentiments concerning provisions of the marketing agreement act, which regulates the handling of citrus fruit shipped from the Valley. Among the proposed amendments to the agreement are a change from a three year to two-year base for computing allotment bases by shippers choosing the past performance method; a computation of new shipping allotments on basis of quantity of fruit under control; interchange between shippers, of interstate and state allotments: federal-state inspection during the periods when grade and size restrictions are in operation; and weekly reports from shippers.

Deta obtained at the hearing will be forwarded to the secretary of agriculture for his approval, and then a vote on the proposed amendments will be taken at a public referendum. An order making the amendments effective may be passed if two-thirds of the growers by number or volume, voting in the referendum. voice their approval. JURY SELECTION DAMAGE SUIT BEGINS EDINBURG, June 27 (Spl) Jury selection got underway in district court here today Mrs. Lena Norton's $13,422 damage suit against Mrs.

Anna Clark MeCray. Mrs. Norton seeks damages against Mrs. McCray in connection with an automobile crash at the intersection of Taylor Boulevard and the McAllen-Mission highway on December 17, 1937, which is alleged to have resulted in the death of Will Norton on March 18; 1937, Plaintiff's petition alleges that the Nortons were passengers in Mrs. McCray's automobile at the time it collided with a Troy Cleaning company truck at the intersection, VALLEY VIEWS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) true, and has to a great extent.

since the Arroyo: is ready for barge service, at least: Small pleasure boats will ply that: natural water route. Fact is, Harlingen has always had that Arroyo beckoning to her to get, busy and cultivate her. Harlingen did. ALL THE VALLEY REJOICES in the opening of the Arroyo Colorado. Man follows the water, Queen Theatre TODAY- -TOMORROW CITRUS MEET To Nominate Members To Industry Committee SESSION WEDNESDAY Fiscal Year Begins August 1, Says Evans Accused as Spy Schineter in: spy indietna Two officials of Fuehrer Adolf Hitter's German war ministry and 16 other persons, including Karl Schlucter, above, stand: indicted by a federal grand jury in New York: accused as against the United Schlucter, officer' of the German: liner Bremen is in Germany.

AIR DEFENSE Britain Reveals 10-Point Plan LOOK TO FUTURE London Will Be Evacuate Immediately CHARLES SMITH LONDON, June Britain's 10-point plan for marsheling herself against the air raids of any future war were today disclosed by Sir Samuel Hoare, Minister for Home Affairs, and Goffrey Lloyd, his assistant. It comprises a scheme for the evacuation of the population from vulnerable points, the storing of food, the equipment of invulnerable battle headquarters, construetion of emergency hospitals, building of elaborate public dug-outs and the equipment of all, include ing babies, with gas-masks. Point by point, the plan embraces: 1, Establishment of invulnerable battle: headquarters for the Government departments. Location of the headquarters will be kept secret. Every modern device will be used to ensure the uninterrupted working of essential departments 2.

Evacuation of 3,500,000 people by rail fifty miles from London and other big cities in seventytwo hours. Complete have been worked out. No fares will be charged the persons evacuated. 3. Construction of trenches and dug outs in parks and other open spaces.

Material and labor will be ready on hand immediately on the outbreak of war. The 8.100 acres of open spaces in London, including the royal parks have been surveyed. It is estimated dug-outs and trenches in London alone will be able to hold all whose houses are unsuitable as refuges, and nearly a million and a half people besides. Sounding of powerful warning sirens capable of being heard over one square mile. 5.

Mapping of Britain into more than 100 warning zones, under which the telephone authorities will: telephone warnings very rapidly to these areas from the main intelligence centers, where reports of movements of hostile aircraft will; be collated. 6: Construction of base-line hospitals on the outer ring of London and other big cities. Emergency equipment of colleges, halls and similar buildings for use as casualty, clearing stations. 7. Mass evacuation of all schoolchildren with their teachers to points of safety, outside any threatened: area.

Plans for this step have been. worked out in detail. 8 Provision by the local city council, of and: trench, accom modation for all inhabitants. 9. Register of private house owners who, will put their basem*nts and cellars at the disposal of any people caught out in the streets in an air raid.

10. Unified, command under central authority of all air raid precaution measures, to include every central and local control of food: defense and stortransport, fire brigades, police, etc. NEGRESS HELD IN FATAL STA DONNA, June 21-(Spl) Bond: was set at $1,500 here today for Maizie Moore, 28-year-old Donna negro woman, charged with. murfollowing hearing before Justice of the Peace H. L.

She waived examining trial. The negro woman is charged with fatally stabbing Willie Graycon. negro, during scute in front of the Catholic church. Sunday nights woman told officer NOMINATIONS Meetings Scheduled Shippers Mart I Body SEVEN TO BE NAMED Two Gatherings Scheduled In Hidalgo County Two meetings of citrus shippers of the Rio Grande Valley, for the purpose of selecting nominees for the Shippers Marketing Committee under the citrus marketing agreement to. serve for the fiscal year beginning August 1.

were announced today by the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. The marketing agreement prevides for a shippers marketing committee of seven members who shall be handlers of citrus fruit. Three of these members shall be representatives of growers marketing groups, which, generally speaking, comprises contract shippers: and four members shall be representatives of handlers other than growers marketing groups. The meetings are scheduled as follows: Growers Marketing Groups (contract: shippers): July 7 at 2 p. city hall, Weslaco.

Handlers other than Growers Marketing Groups (independent shippers): July 7 at: p. city hall, Weslaco. Nominations of at least nine persons for three members and their, alternates shall be made by diers comprising growers marketing groups; and nominations of least twelve persons for four members and their alternates shall be made by handlers other than those groups. comprising grewers marketing All handlers, including growershippers, who shipped oranges or grapefruit from points within the State of Texas during the 1937-38 season are entitled to participate in making these nominations. At each of the meetings each handler shall be entitled to cast but one vote on behalf of himself, partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, and! representatives which shall bel weighted according to the volume of fruit shipped by such handler during the 1937-38 shipping season.

Each shipper is urged to attend his respective meeting, and to bring with him a sworn affidavit! certifying the volume of his shipments for the 1937-38 shipping season. The present members and alternates of the committee, whose terms expire August 1, are as follows: Arthur Beckwith, chairman, San Juan. as member; Clay Everhard, Pharr, as alternate. Frank Hall, vice-chairman, Weslaco, as member; J. N.

Hager, Weslaco, as alternate. Hugh Williams, secretary, Weslaco, as member; T. M. Melden, Mission, as alternate. G.

O. McDaniel Edinburg, member; A. L. Cramer, Elsa, as alternate. Henry Wittenberg, McAllen.

member: D. W. Cott. Mission, alternate. John Burkhart, Alamo, as member; William Cloughley, Alamo, alternate.

C. D. Kirk. San Benito, as member; J. R.

Paxton. Mercedes, as alternate. FLATTERY SPECIAL New spring for $2.50 with, perfect curie $5.00 Frederick for $3.50 with. Hollywood curls Each wave by Mrs. Nicholas Shampoo and set, any 35a hair 35.

conte and 50 cents Merle Norman facial free Broadway QUEEN TODAY TOMORROW LAUREL 3 HE HEN ADOPTS KITTENS AND THEY LIKE SACRAMENTO, Cal. June (INS) -Apparently suffering from a distorted mother complex, an otherwise normal Rhode Island Red hen belonging to Mrs. H. J. Prickett of Perkins adopted five kittens and refuses to relinquish to them.

Lese than two weeks old. the litter is so contented it must bel removed forcibly to be ted. ELECTRIC WATCHMAN GUARDS BIG LIBRARY Mass. June (INS) -An electric watchman to guard books in Harvard's Widener Library has been perfected by Thomas S. McCaleb, instructor in radio at the university.

son An antenna placed behind the bookcase with electric current THE AIR CONDITIONED STARTS TOMORROW BLONDELL Citrus growers whose groves are situated in what is deseribed as the McAllen district will meet at P. M. Wednesday at the chamber of commerce, for the purpose o1 nominating growers to represent this district on the Growers Industry Committee under the citrus mar keting agreement, for the fiscal year beginning August 1, according to. Robert C. Evans, representative of the agricultural adjustment administration.

The western boundary of the Allen district is Weir Road extended north to the county line and south to the Rio Grande. The eastern boundary is State Highway No. 12, extended south to the Rio Grande and extended north: to Edinburg. thence west along west: Edinburg highway to mile West; thence north along mile West to Hidalgo county line. All: citrus growers in this district are urged to attend this meeting in person as no voting by proxy is permitted.

At least four growers whose principal business is the production of citrus fruit must be nominated in each distreit, and one member and an alternate will be selected to serve on the Committee. NAMES MAKE NEWS John Ewing, Frank Gilbert and Kent Manning get together this morning as members of the equalization board of the school Gene Catlett is dining out. his family being away Narcissus Black is mighty happy over her new air-conditioned cage Rex Parks is a most accommodating young man' Harry Merts. Dave. Horger and Homer Leonard in earnest conversation while sipping coffee Kelly doesn't relish some of the sermons he reads or has heard of in Angus McCleod is urging all Kiwa nis members to be present tonight at the All-Kiwanis night and par ticularly so old members who have been lethargic in attending on have dropped out Circle of the Presbyterian church is going to pic nie on the home grounds of Osborn Thursday night and Johnson is anxious to know now many will be present.

HOLIDAY EXCURSION RATES ARE OFFEI Major railroads of Texas and Louisiana announce reduced fares for the July Fourth holidays. Officials stated that with the Fourth coming on Monday, it permitted: many to take a few days off, und to encourage this travel: special low round trip fares will prevail The rate will be one-way fare plus one-tenth for round trips in coaches, while the first class roundtrip tickets, good in Pullmans, with usual Pullman charge, will be one and one-third the usual one-way fare. Tickets will go on sale for all trains July 2 and for trains arriving destination by 3 p. m. July Returning excursion tickets are good: for departure until midnight July LADY NANCY ASTOR HONORS HER VIRGINIA LONDON, June 27.

(INS) -In memory of her childhood home. Lady Nancy Astor, American-born first woman member of the Eng: lish House of Commons, has endowed seat in the proposed new English National Theater in the name of Virginia. The theater will be built in the Kensington district of London, and each endowed seat will bear plaque giving the name of: the donor and the name of the individual or place commemorated. FOUR FINED Four persons were fined in corporation: court this morning upon complaints charging Bayne, Jr. parking over white marked lines.

Edward no tail light. Bob Lindsay, Jr. speeding, $10; Loren Salter, spee ing, $10. GANTNER Fred Gantner who been confined to his bed until this morning, is considerably He was able to come to his office this morning, but will be confined his home at Cathay Courts for-4 eral more days. A delegation headed by Mayor Horace Etchison, and Paul! Wickers will represent McAllen at the lingen celebration.

comthe opening of the royo Colorado ice. Starts ASTOR FRANCES LAST TIMES TODAY his THREE COMRADES CUTE 15c in tall. Bottles Buy it at your favorite flowing evenly to a light on custodian's desk will, when a comes within two feet of books, break its even flow an cause the light to flash. DRINK SEE MiLK TO BE SAFE deliver ECONOMY Button, and buttermil DOUBLE DAIRY Phone 737 Cele OUR 9TH ANNIVERSARY IN BUSINESS IN McALLEN ELECTRIC -FIXTURES OFF Owing to Special arrangements in buying able to give you discount on all Electric Fixtures from now until the last day of June. This applies to anything we have in stock on that you order out of the entaloguei, ANYTHING YOU WANT AT PRICES LOWER THAN ANT PLACE ELSE invite the Public to Visit us in our New Location J.


McAllen Daily Press from McAllen, Texas (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.