Top 16 Must Grow Microgreens (2024)

Top 16 Must Grow Microgreens (1)

Microgreens, tender young shoots of vegetables and herbs plucked just after they've germinated, typically within 12 days, are a powerhouse of nutrition.

These tiny, intensely flavored green dynamos are not only delectably fresh but also remarkably easy to cultivate, making them an indispensable addition to every home garden.

Embrace the opportunity to seize control over your food's quality by growing microgreens.

In addition to their vast nutritional wealth, microgreens like Radish and Broccoli offer impressive health benefits that can help fortify immunity, aid in fighting diseases, and even contribute to cancer prevention.

It's an empowering journey towards healthier living that starts right on your windowsill.

Imagine the joy and independence that comes with cultivating your own food, stepping away from the reliance on store-bought produce where profit often takes precedence over quality.

With the cultivation of microgreens, you can take the first stride towards achieving self-sustainability.

So, ready to embark on this green journey?

Here's an expertly curated list of 16 must-grow microgreens, including the likes of Radish and Broccoli, that you can start growing in your very own home, today.

16 Microgreens You Must Grow

1. Kohlrabi Microgreens

Kohlrabi microgreens are one of the easiest and quickest microgreens to grow, whether you choose to grow them in soil or hydroponically. Germination of the seeds takes only 2-3 days, and you can harvest them in just 8 days.

Not only do Kohlrabi microgreens add great flavor, texture, and visual appeal to your dishes, but they also come packed with a variety of health benefits!

These microgreens are known to aid digestion, support weight loss, and even improve vision, among other health benefits.

So, why not try growing Kohlrabi microgreens today and start reaping these amazing health benefits?

2. Mustard Microgreens

Top 16 Must Grow Microgreens (3)

Mustard microgreens grow quickly and uniformly like most brassicas in the right conditions. A fairly warm spot with good airflow and light is essential.

Overall mustard microgreens are fun and easy plants to grow. They come in many colors and have varying degrees of spiciness.

They are also some of the healthiest plants out there and are rich in many vitamins and minerals.

3. Red Cabbage Microgreens

If you're looking for a fast and easy-to-grow microgreen, look no further than red cabbage! These little greens thrive in both soil and hydroponic setups, and can be harvested in as little as 7 days after germination.

But it's not just their speedy growth that makes red cabbage microgreens a great choice.

They're also packed with nutrients that can help keep your immune system strong, your eyesight sharp, and even help prevent premature aging.

In fact, red cabbage microgreens are known for their disease-fighting properties.

Eating them regularly may help ward off all sorts of health issues, making them a smart addition to any diet.

So why not give them a try?

4. Arugula Microgreens

Arugula microgreens are an excellent choice for a spicy kick! They are one of the quickest microgreens to grow and can be ready to harvest in just 6 days. Whether grown in soil or hydroponically, the seeds sprout in a mere 1-2 days.

Adding arugula microgreens to your diet is a great way to add some zest to your salads, sandwiches, and wraps.

And the best part? These tiny greens pack a big punch of nutrients that support cardiovascular, nervous, and digestive health.

So why not give arugula microgreens a try and see how they can spice up your life?

5. Kale Microgreens

Kale microgreens are like little nutritional powerhouses!

In fact, they can contain up to four times more nutrients than a fully mature kale plant. So, if you're looking to boost your overall health, kale microgreens are an excellent choice.

Not only are they packed with nutrients, but they also have a mild cabbage or kale flavor with a hint of sweetness.

Kale microgreens can be added to salads, soups, and sandwiches, or even juiced and added to wheatgrass shots or smoothies for an extra health boost.

Growing kale microgreens is also easy and fast, with seeds that germinate in just a few days and can be harvested in as little as 8-12 days.

So, whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, kale microgreens are definitely worth trying out!

6. Broccoli Microgreens

Broccoli microgreens are an easy and fast-growing crop that thrives in hydroponics and soil. The seeds don't require presoaking and germinate in only 2-3 days. In as little as 8 days, the colorful stems and leaves can be harvested.

Not only are broccoli microgreens packed with more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals than a head of broccoli, but they also provide an incredible source of protein.

They have a delicious cabbage-like flavor and can be used in a variety of dishes or as a gorgeous garnish. So why not give this superfood a try and grow some broccoli microgreens in your home garden?

Top 16 Must Grow Microgreens (9)

7. Clover Microgreens

Clover microgreens are a great addition to your microgreens garden! Not only are they fast and easy to grow, but they also have a high success rate.

With a germination time of just 1-2 days, clover microgreens can be harvested in as little as 8 days. They can be grown in a variety of methods such as in a glass, using a wet cloth or hydroponic pad, or in soil or coco coir.

These microgreens add a juicy and crunchy texture to your dishes and can be used as a flavor booster in salads, sandwiches, or wraps.

And, as with most microgreens, clover is full of nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals that can provide numerous health benefits.

So why not give clover microgreens a try and add them to your next meal!

8. Radish Microgreens

Radish microgreens are not only the fastest-growing microgreens but are also packed with flavor and health benefits. They are incredibly easy to grow and can be harvested in just 5 days, making them a popular choice for beginners.

These microgreens have a spicy kick and taste very similar to their mature counterpart. They add a crunchy texture and bold flavor to any dish, making them a great addition to salads, sandwiches, and tacos.

But the real beauty of radish microgreens lies in their health benefits. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them great for cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, and weight loss.

So, not only are they delicious, but they are also a powerhouse of nutrition. Plus, growing your own microgreens is a great way to add fresh and healthy produce to your diet while also saving money and reducing your carbon footprint.

Top 16 Must Grow Microgreens (12)

9. Sunflower Microgreens

Are you looking for a microgreen that is easy to grow and packed with nutrients? Look no further than sunflower microgreens! These tiny greens can be harvested in just 8 days after germinating in only 2-3 days.

While they can be grown hydroponically, sunflower microgreens thrive in soil. Plus, their high nutrient content makes them a popular choice for health-conscious eaters.

In fact, sunflower microgreens are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, making them a key ingredient in any healthy diet. With all these benefits, it's no wonder that sunflower microgreens are among the most popular in the market!

10. Chia Microgreens

Chia microgreens are considered to be among the healthiest foods on the planet. They are a great additive for sandwiches and salads and have a bitter taste and crunchy texture.

Chia microgreens deliver a huge amount of nutrients with very few calories. They are loaded with antioxidants and due to this contains many health benefits such as supporting healthy digestive function and help reduce the risks of diabetes.

11. Pea Shoot Microgreens

Pea microgreens are a delicious and nutritious addition to any meal. These mini veggies are packed with high nutrition and have a sweet and tender taste that makes them perfect for eating raw or cooked. They also make a great garnish or addition to any salad.

Pea microgreens are rich in antioxidants, providing many anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, and cancer-preventing health benefits. T

hey are also easy to grow, taking only a few days to germinate and ready to harvest in about two weeks. You can grow them in soil or hydroponically, making them a versatile and convenient option for anyone looking to add more nutrition to their diet.

Top 16 Must Grow Microgreens (16)

12. Basil Microgreens

Top 16 Must Grow Microgreens (17)

Basil microgreens are sweeter and stronger than mature plants and can have up to 5 times more nutrients!

Basil microgreens are high in polyphenols and vitamins K. These are known to have anti-inflammatory properties and aid in regulating digestive and other natural bodily functions.

13. Beets Microgreens

If you're new to growing microgreens, beetroot microgreens are an excellent variety to start with. They're easy to grow and can be harvested in just 12 to 15 days from seed.

These microgreens are also packed with nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. Plus, they're loaded with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and cleansing properties, making them a great addition to any diet.

Beetroot microgreens have a slightly sweet, earthy flavor that pairs well with salads, sandwiches, and smoothies. You can also try adding them to your soups and stews for an extra nutritional boost.

Give them a try, and you'll be amazed at how delicious and healthy these tiny greens can be!

Top 16 Must Grow Microgreens (19)

14. Wheatgrass Microgreens

Wheatgrass is one of the most potent microgreens you can grow! This vibrant green crop is packed with a host of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that make it an ideal addition to your diet.

While it can be enjoyed fresh in salads, soups, and other meals, wheatgrass is best when juiced. You can even mix it with other juices or blend it into a smoothie with frozen fruits to get your daily dose of nutrients in a delicious way.

Drinking wheatgrass juice is a great way to boost your immune system, improve digestion, and enhance overall health. This microgreen is known for its ability to lower cholesterol levels, fight inflammation, and promote healthy weight loss.

So, whether you're a seasoned health enthusiast or a newbie to the world of microgreens, wheatgrass is definitely worth a try!

15. Cauliflower Microgreens

Get ready to be amazed by the incredible flavor and health benefits of cauliflower microgreens!

Not only are they easy to grow, but they also have a unique and delicious taste. With a mild and fresh broccoli flavor combined with a peppery bite, you'll be hooked from the first bite.

But wait, there's more!

Cauliflower microgreens are packed with numerous health benefits, including high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, they are a great source of vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy body.

Not only are they nutritious, but cauliflower microgreens are also a feast for the eyes. Their glossy dark green leaves and violet stems make them one of the most attractive microgreens to grow.

They make a perfect base for any microgreens salad or can be added to any salad for extra texture and flavor.

With their crisp texture, cauliflower microgreens are also an excellent raw topping for sandwiches or burgers.

Don't miss out on this fantastic microgreen - grow cauliflower microgreens today and enjoy their amazing flavor and health benefits!

16. Cress Microgreens

Get ready to add some zing to your dishes with cress microgreens! Not only are they easy to grow, but they're also one of the most nutrient-dense microgreens out there.

With their peppery flavor, cress microgreens add a delicious kick to smoothies, juices, and salads.

They're a great source of antioxidants that protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals, helping to prevent illnesses like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

So why not add some cress microgreens to your diet and give your body the nutrients it craves?

Top 16 Must Grow Microgreens (23)

You've seen all these incredible microgreens and might be wondering, 'Could I grow these at home?' The answer is, absolutely!

Our Mastering Microgreens: Grow Nutrient-Dense Greens at Home eBook is just what you need to dive into this green world.

This comprehensive guide is filled with tips to help beginners start and garden enthusiasts to level up their microgreen growing skills.

From understanding different varieties, navigating common growing issues, to innovative ways of incorporating these nutrient-dense greens into your meals, this guide covers it all.

Transform your home into a mini greens farm and explore the joy of growing your own food. Are you ready to embrace the world of microgreens?

Get the Mastering Microgreens eBook

What microgreens should I start with?

Pea microgreens: These are one of the easiest to grow and have a sweet, delicate flavor that pairs well with many dishes.

Radish microgreens: These grow quickly and have a spicy, peppery taste that adds a nice kick to salads and sandwiches.

Sunflower microgreens: These are also easy to grow and have a mild, nutty flavor that works well in salads and as a garnish.

Broccoli microgreens: These have a milder flavor than mature broccoli but still pack a nutritional punch.

Cress microgreens: These are nutrient-dense and have a spicy, peppery taste that works well in salads, sandwiches, and smoothies.

Do microgreens need a lot of sun?

Microgreens require some sunlight, but not as much as mature plants. They need enough sunlight to produce chlorophyll, but too much direct sunlight can cause them to dry out and become damaged. Therefore, it's important to provide them with indirect sunlight or grow lights for about 12 to 16 hours a day. Additionally, some varieties of microgreens, such as wheatgrass, can be grown in the dark until the blades are a few centimeters tall before exposing them to light to ensure optimal growth. Overall, finding the right balance of sunlight or artificial light is essential to grow healthy and flavorful microgreens.

Does cooking microgreens destroy nutrients?

Cooking microgreens may cause some loss of nutrients, as with any food that is cooked. However, the degree of nutrient loss can depend on the cooking method and duration.

For example, lightly steaming or blanching microgreens can help to preserve their nutrient content, while overcooking or boiling them for too long can result in a greater loss of nutrients.

Eating raw microgreens is one of the best ways to get the maximum nutritional benefits from them, but if you prefer to cook them, try to use gentle cooking methods and avoid overcooking them to help retain their nutrients.

How long do microgreens plants last?

The lifespan of microgreens depends on the specific type of plant, as well as how they are grown and harvested. Generally, microgreens are harvested within a few weeks of planting, once they have reached their peak flavor and nutrient content.

After harvesting, microgreens will typically last for several days to a week in the refrigerator, depending on the type of microgreen and how it is stored. It's best to consume microgreens as soon as possible after harvesting to get the most nutrients and flavor.

Final Thoughts on Microgreens You Must Grow

Overall microgreens are an excellent choice when choosing to grow your food at home. They grow quickly, are inexpensive, and offer numerous health benefits.

If you're interested in growing your own microgreens, check out our comprehensive Microgreen eBook.

This step-by-step guide will teach you everything you need to know about growing microgreens, including which varieties are easiest to grow and how to care for them.

Learn More About Microgreens
Top 16 Must Grow Microgreens (2024)


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